4.12➡️My MUSE He is my muse to writing. Not thinking about him and vice versa I made more one story from him. Poems, short stories, my instagram status. The whole feelings about him, the nostalgics, the hates, the loves, the BIG sorry to him. But come on, I'm liar if I said forget him. Almost 4 years after that incident, tbh I missed and missing him. My pray for you still same, Bro. Be healthy, don't over workiing yourself, be happy, be stronger as always for your mom, dad & sister. Still be inspire for me, loving your half if you found one now or still find and be a man for your future. Happy birthday for the 4th years that I missed and for your 29th later. Btw, if you later read it. I'm happy and miss you, friend (I love one) . NO COPY PASTE WITHOUT CREDIT coffeepen,books
Welcome to my books world. Here my pen will lead you to see my stories. And there my coffee will company you to read my imagination.