Six years. Too old if I said that time was new. Six old. Too young as a adult. Monoton. Dibilang capek, mungkin ini sedang di puncaknya. Lelah, terlalu berburu. Ya, semua orang pasti berada di kecepatan dan "rush hour"-nya masing-masing. Tapi terlalu berdekatan dengan salah satu, rasanya ingin melegakan dengan teriak berpuas daripada bersendu tertahan. I want break just for a second. Break only can take time again to more speed. Lelah woy! Ayolah istirahat sejenak barang 10 menit! Waktu tak pernah berhenti berputar. Semua mengulang kembali. Same, no different. 10 second is okay, but do you really give it to me 🙃 Adulting is complicated. Stay as a child is right? NO PASTE WITHOUT CREDIT coffeepen,books
Welcome to my books world. Here my pen will lead you to see my stories. And there my coffee will company you to read my imagination.