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#MyAutumn: 2019 (Currently) Hobby, 2020 More Planning

December 2019

2019 having so much times to enjoy what I really love. Not just reading and blogging, I also enjoying to study about coffee. As you know I really like this beverage not forget to mention about milk also.

First time I familiar with coffee because of my job. My job force me to stay up at midnight till early morning. So I decided to try coffee. I usually didn't really like bitter food and drink. Only one cup of moccacino I can be awake for 12 hours for the first try.

Beside moccacino, I like vanilla latte. Having coffee for first time, I making it with instant coffee. Much easy and simple one. But after knew more about coffee, I changing my mind. Making coffee from beans to brewing until make it on cup, feel like something refreshing. I cant say my self pro about coffee, I'm just love study about making coffee to my self. Very beginner as an amateur.

Falling love with latte

Start searching about coffee. From simple recipe to make coffee at home like coffee shop till see how barista make it from YouTube. I know even we can make it as cafe latte only with coffee and milk. Trying to made this simple recipe by my own, not always success with the bitter. But now you can say that I already know how much to put milk and coffee together. Because that, I falling in love with latte.

Best latte I ever tasted so far from -sorry to mention the coffee mark- Kopi Janji Jiwa, Kopi Kenangan, Kopi Koi, Fore Coffee, Kopi Kulo and JCO Coffee also Starbucks, my better taste is cafe latte from Kopi Kenangan. Why? Because milk and coffee can blend with right measure. Not too bitter, not too sweet.

Too late but January 2020 greeting

Honestly this update should be up on December 2019. Two days before 2020 say hello and 2019 good bye. But cause something matter I only up this update this month. 2019, I cant update blog as often as usually like in 2018, but I can finish reading my waiting list books.

2019 also so many event happening in my life. From job, friendship, relationship, family and hobby. I can make some of my goals become reality including with my draft stories. Maybe 2020 I'll make an other goals become reality too.

2020 more planning

2020 I have so many plan in my lists. Some secret projects will I do in this year. Maybe is about my currently job, hobbies, relationship and my blog. But step by step I want to move forward with my ability and my better performance. Little by little I want be better person for my self and people around me. I don't know when will my goals become reality, just I want make sure it can be real in this year.

2020 I also hope my parents to be healthier than before, my waiting list books can finish I read -I think this is always become my plan every years 😅-, also my draft stories can finish I write include the "Colorful Catcher" in this blog. So much wishes in 2020.

Blog plan in future and the last greeting

I have plan to up my stories in my blog more often and want to try complete some stories which already up before. Want to writing review about book I ever read and making stories about people that inspire me about life.

And this is my last greeting to say hello 2020. Hopely some planning that I write in here I can make it. Most important I hope I can greet you with my stories in future. The last but not the least thank you for 53k guests who read and visit my blog. I will more update with good quality stories and writing. Till now bye.. See you soon on my other update 😊



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