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Self Sour Last Page: Boring Body Till Don't Know What Should She Doing [Hei, Girl! It's Last Piece of 2020]

In last months of this year, anything happend around me. Lost, found, sad, happy even worst or better moments take turns like a wind. But behind it, I could say it happend to be make us a better human or person. 

Well, 2020 adalah tahun yang mungkin buat kita atau gue sendiri ada hal baru yang belum pernah dilakuin, dialami. Dari siklus keadaan yang ramai dan serba bebas tanpa batas, jadi harus dibatasi dan menyepi saat ini. Dari yang di rumah terasa membosankan menjadi harus bisa menghidupkan kesenangan saat di rumah. Semua menjadi harus dibiasakan.

Ada kejenuhan saat keadaan ini mungkin akan berlanjut ke depan. But, everything will be okay. If until these time your feeling it worst, why not you see at good side?

Akan selalu ada titik yang baik dibalik semua yang kita anggap buruk. We deserve a well situation. We deserve our normal life again. I'd like say we deserve a peace life as we had before. Turn table the worst at this year happend. 

For the first time, I feel uneasy to take one step. So when time of ourself feels so much easy and light to step again, it's mean we're used to it. 

Gak berkata bahwa tahun ini adalah tahun yang buruk. Tapi paling tidak kita belajar untuk bisa lebih menghargai apapun keadaan di sekitar kita dan juga bisa lebih mensyukuri dengan berkah yang sedang atau sudah kita terima. 

Di tahun 2021 saat kita nanti sudah (semoga) tidak lagi menjadi orang yang merasa bosan dengan keadaan yang seperti ini, kita bisa memulai semua rencana yang belum kita kerjakan di tahun ini.

I feeling it too as a boring body who don't know what should I do at those time around. But hei.. Next year also mean we still have so much chance a more than one. So at this post I want to give you something. The conclusion of my self sour.

Dont thinking what you do, what you feel it's the bad one. It's still can be a good one or better one than your thought. And also appreciate anything you have. Your job, your family, your friends, and people around you. Because of them, of it, you still manage to through this pain of this year and this happiness of this year.

Hopely after this year and this day. I can update my blog with happiness posting not only about self pain or badthing. Hope can manage sharing a better information and good quality content at this blog too. 

Surely I'll back again at 2021 and will be often posting too. Self sour page it's finished now. See you with a happy content for sure. 

Love you 💚

Ps. Today can you join coffee with me? 😆



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